Patch Notes (08/28/2024) *Contents are under development and subject to change. Please refer to actual in-game information. New Updates 1. [New Hero] Oztak (Dark): A Legendary defense hero from the Soulplunders faction. 2. [Summon Event] Guan Yu's drop rate is increased by 300%. Guan Yu is guaranteed within 400 summons. Legendary Light/Dark heroes summoned have a 50% chance to be Oztak. If the Legendary Light/Dark hero summoned is not Oztak, the next Legendary Light/Dark hero summoned is guaranteed to be Oztak. Event Period: 08/29 00:00 - 09/12 00:00 (UTC-4) 3. [Limited Summon] A new round of Limited Summon is available from 08/29 00:00 - 09/12 00:00 (UTC-4) Legendary heroes featured this round: Martome, Ralf, Barclay, and all Legendary Light and Dark heroes. If 2 consecutive Legendary hero pulls don't contain Martome, the next Legendary hero summoned is guaranteed to be Martome. 4. [Guild War] A new season is starting soon. Event Period: 08/29 00:00 - 09/12 00:00 (UTC-4)
Patch Notes (08/14/2024) *Contents are under development and subject to change. Please refer to actual in-game information. New Updates 1. [New Hero] Sonya (Fire): A Legendary Support hero from the Titan Icelands faction. 2. [Summon Event] Sonya’s drop rate is increased by 300%. Sonya is guaranteed within 400 summons. Event Period: 08/15 00:00 - 08/29 00:00 (UTC-4) 3. [Limited Summon] A new round of Limited Summon is available from 08/15 00:00 - 08/29 00:00 (UTC-4) Legendary heroes featured this round: Ackerley, Atara, Alisha, and all Legendary Light and Dark heroes. If 2 consecutive Legendary hero pulls don't contain Ackerley, the next Legendary hero summoned is guaranteed to be Ackerley. 4. [Ruins of Gods] A new season is starting soon. Event Period: 08/15 00:00 - 08/29 00:00 (UTC-4) 5. [Team Arena] A new season is starting soon. Event Period: 08/26 00:00 - 10/20 00:00 (UTC-4) Bug Fixes 1. Fixed an issue where Jerome’s passive ability(Ascended) was taking effect incorrectly.
Patch Notes (07/31/2024) *Contents are under development and subject to change. Please refer to actual in-game information. New Updates 1. [Summon Event] Maeve's drop rate is increased by 300%. Maeve is guaranteed within 400 summons. Event Period: 08/01 00:00 - 08/08 00:00 (UTC-4) 2. [Summon Event] Morisen’s drop rate is increased by 300%. Morisen is guaranteed within 400 summons. Event Period: 08/08 00:00 - 08/15 00:00 (UTC-4) 3. [Limited Summon] A new round of Limited Summon is available from 08/01 00:00 - 08/15 00:00 (UTC-4) Legendary heroes featured this round: Aphronie, Taliesin, Simma, and all Legendary Light and Dark heroes. If 2 consecutive Legendary hero pulls don't contain Aphronie, the next Legendary hero summoned is guaranteed to be Aphronie. 4. [Sky Duel] A new season is starting soon. Event Period: 08/01 00:00 to 10/01 00:00 (UTC-4) 5. [Guild War] A new season is starting soon. Event Period: 08/01 00:00 - 08/15 00:00 (UTC-4)
Les dieux ayant disparu, les humains ne peuvent plus compter que sur leurs propres moyens pour affronter le mal qui frappe Aurelica. Une jeune fille, représentante de la Lumière, part à l'aventure pour découvrir la vérité et sauver le monde, mais elle ignore que ces Ténèbres soudaines ont été déclenchées par son propre père. Alors que les servants de l'Ombre cherchent à ramener le Dieu du Chaos, les humains vont devoir traverser de nombreuses épreuves pour sauver leur histoire et se réapproprier leur monde.
Voici quelques-uns des Héros des factions principales d'Awaken: Chaos Era. N'hésite pas à consulter leurs histoires.
Voir tous les héros